SO, perhaps you're wondering how and why I got into doing voiceovers and performance in the first place. Or maybe I just feel the need to confess my sins or something. Anyway, it goes like this... I studied Drama and English Literature at Bangor University back in the 80s - well, to be honest, I probably studied the insides of bars, parties and the ceilings of other people's bedrooms a little more than I did my academic work, but still - in 1989, I left university, proudly clutching my BA (Joint Hons). And that's where everything, as they say,..crashed to a standstill. I didn't actually know what I was doing with my life, what I wanted to do (or could afford to do), where I was going - nothing. And nowhere and nothing was my precise destination for quite some time, until, that is, I saw a fateful advert in a newspaper that propelled me into the glamorous world of TEFL. And it was through that that I got my first experience of VO. Picture me, then, in a recording studio...
A blog about my life in voiceovers, theatre and performance.